Our corporation
Duni Group (Duni AB) is a Swedish limited public company listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. Our operation primarily focuses on solutions for the set table and take-away packaging for food and drink. Sustainability and circularity form the backbone of both our portfolio and operation.
We apply the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
The Company is governed through general shareholders’ meetings, the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the group management following, e.g., the Swedish Companies Act, the Company’s articles of association and the working procedure for the Board of Directors. Given Duni’s group structure, the composition of the boards of operational subsidiaries, often with representatives from group management, also participate in Duni's governance.
Policies and code of conduct
Nudging behaviors
One crucial objective of our policies is to make it easy for our managers and employees to do the right thing. We want to do all we can to prevent unethical behavior.