The increasing demand to report on sustainability performance makes transparency essential. It includes information requested by stakeholders such as investors and banks. Another crucial objective of our policies is to make it easy for our managers and employees to do the right thing. We want to do all we can to prevent unethical behavior.
In 2022, our policies were revised and supplemented in line with our updated strategy for 2030. Due to an increasing number of legal changes, both policies and directives are reviewed on annual basis. The Board of Directors has approved all policies. The CEO approves the Directives included in the policies.
Duni Group reports its sustainability work in accordance with the GRI standard.
Our policies are structured following ESG (Environment – Social – Governance), which facilitates the analysis of companies from a non-financial perspective.
Our policies and directives
Available eLearning courses
The following eLearning courses are available to the organization:
- Duni Group’s Environmental Policy
- Duni Group’s Code of Business Conduct
- Duni Group’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Directive
- Duni Group’s Human Rights Policy
- Duni Group’s GDPR Policy
- Duni Group’s Conflicts of Interest Directive
- Duni Group’s Environmental Claims Guidelines
- Duni Group's Anti-Corruption Policy
- Duni Group's Whistleblower Policy
- A comprehensive five-part “Sustainability Competence Cource”, covering Sustainability, Circularity, Net zero, Living the change, and Leadership.
Duni Group’s Business Code of Conduct
Our Code of Business Conduct is a compressed reference document of several policies. The Code, revised in 2022, guides us on how to act in all business contexts. It covers our internal operations and guides how we act towards others in the value chain and society. The Code helps us meet the requirements of investors and institutions.
The Code is based on the conventions of the United Nations ILO, including requirements on human rights, prohibition of all forms of child labor, personal safety, working hours, wages, and more.
The Group signed the UN Global Compact in 2021 and now commits to working according to the UN’s ten principles for the environment, human rights, anti-corruption, and labor law, which will become increasingly important.
The Code of Business Conduct goes beyond our operation. We have selected UN SDG number 8 – “Decent work and economic growth” – as one of our priority goals. Subsequently, we expect our suppliers to follow Our Code of Business Conduct. We continuously audit their performance on human rights, safe work environment, healthy working conditions, and working hours, and that there is no forced labor or child labor. We also request that our business partners’ direct suppliers comply with the Code.
There is increasing demand to capture complaints and irregularities in all parts of an organization’s operations. You can find Duni Group’s Whistleblower Policy in the listing above.