Duni Group has historically provided shareholders with solid cash flows and steady dividends, with the exception of the pandemic years 2019 to 2021. Since then, the HoReCa market has recovered and the Group has reported growth and profitability from a strong financial position.
Sales Growth
Goal 5%
The goal is to achieve average organic growth in sales in excess of 5% per year over a business cycle. In addition, the company regularly assesses acquisition opportunities in order to gain access to new growth markets or strengthen its position in existing markets.
2024 target attainment
The negative growth is explained by a generally weak market, not least in the DACH region. The outcome was also affected by slightly lower pricing during the first half of the year in particular.
Operating margin
Goal 10%
The target is an operating margin of 10% or more. Profitability is to be increased through sales growth, continued focus on premium products and continued improvements within purchasing and production.
2024 target attainment
The operating margin was negatively affected by lower volumes, high costs in Food Packaging Solutions as well as historically high price levels for pulp.
Goal 40%
It is the Board of Directors’ long-term intention for dividends to amount to at least 40% of income after tax.
2024 target attainment
The dividend of SEK 5.00 amounts to 91% of income after tax or 66% of income after tax adjusted for restructuring costs. The dividend is divided into two separate payments of SEK 2.50 per share. The second part-payment is scheduled for November 14, 2025.