Leading the way for sustainable paper mills
In the autumn, the paper mill received its first delivery of propane gas from renewable resources, probably as the first paper mill in the world. The aim is to use only propane gas from renewable resources by 2027. The BioLPG is mainly produced from residues from the food industry. In the long term, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by up to 90 percent.
The goal is for all our production units to use renewable electricity. In quarters three and four, the paper mill started using electricity with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation’s “Good Environmental Choice Water” label. From January 1, 2022 it will start using electricity labeled with “Good Environmental Choice Wind”.
These are important changes for several reasons, explains Rexcell’s CEO Lars Andersson: “With the introduction of fossil-free LPG and electricity, we have laid the foundations to achieve net zero emissions in the Duni business area. It also shows that we mean business. The Group’s new strategy creates a sense of pride in working for a company that takes the global environmental challenge seriously through tough and challenging goals that are still fully achievable”.
Environmental adaptation continues in Skåpafors, especially in the field of energy, but also in a broader perspective. “This also applies to our consumption, regardless of the raw material or energy source. We need to reduce the quantities and use them optimally. The best thing about this work is that it saves both the environment and the economy,” says Lars.