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Nomination Committee’s Board Proposal for the Annual General Meeting of Duni AB

Regulatory press release 25 Mar 2008 15:00
The Nomination Committee proposes the following board: re-election of Peter Nilsson, Harry Klagsbrun, Sanna Suvanto Harsaae and Pia Rudengren, and new election of Anders Bülow and Magnus Yngen. Peter Nilsson is also proposed as Chairman of the board.

The Nomination Committee, comprising of Peter Nilsson (Chairman Duni AB), Harry Klagsbrun (senior partner EQT Partners AB), Rune Andersson (Chairman Mellby Gård Industri AB) and Anders Oscarsson (SEB Fonder) proposes the Duni AB Annual General Meeting 2008:

• that Peter Nilsson is appointed chairman of the Annual General Meeting 2008,

• that the board consists of six board members with no alternate members,

• that the board members Peter Nilsson, Harry Klagsbrun, Sanna Suvanto Harsaae and Pia Rudengren are re-elected. The board members Gerold Linzbach, Göran Lundqvist and Gun Nilsson have declined for re-election.

• that Anders Bülow and Magnus Yngen are new elected as board members.

Anders Bülow born 1953, B.A. Business Administration from the University of Stockholm. He is Managing Director of Mellby Gård Industri AB. Anders Bülow does not own any Duni AB shares. Bülow is to be considered as dependent of the major shareholders of Duni AB.

Magnus Yngen born 1958, M. Eng Lic Tech from KTH – Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He is Vice President of Electrolux and member of Electrolux’s Group Management. Magnus Yngen is also President of CECED (European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers). Magnus Yngen does not own any Duni AB shares. Magnus Yngen is to be considered as independent of the major shareholders of Duni AB.