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Invitation to telephone conference concerning Duni year-end report 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2011

Regulatory press release 8 feb 2012 10:45
Year-end report for Duni AB will be disclosed to the media for publication at 8.00 AM CET on Wednesday 15 February. Telephone conference starts at 10.00 AM CET.

Year-end report for Duni AB will be disclosed to the media for publication at 8.00 AM CET on Wednesday 15 February.

Telephone conference

The year-end report will be presented on Wednesday, 15 February at 10.00 AM CET at a telephone conference which also can be followed via the web.

To participate in the telephone conference, please dial +46 (0)8 5052 0110 and state conference id 911047.

To follow the presentation via the web, please visit this link:
